House Tours

House Tours at Belchamp Hall
Belchamp Hall and its surrounding estate have been in the ownership of the Raymond family since 1611. In 1710, the present Queen Anne mansion was built on the site of the previous Tudor house.
Historical groups including Nadfas, Georgia Society, National Trust groups, U3A and many more are very welcome to book tours of the house and have refreshments in our luxurious tea room.
House tours are booked through Historic Houses.
A sneak peek of what’s to come:
- Original family portraits by the great Thomas Gainsborough
- Relics captured in the battle against the Spanish Armada
- Organ gifted to the Raymond family by famous C18th composer George Frideric Handel
- Find out about 18th Century India and their involvement with the Raymond family
The Story
The story of the collection at Belchamp Hall is both interesting and eclectic, and tells the story of one family and their trials and tribulations over the past 400 years.
The Tour
The tour can take between 30 and 50 minutes, and guests are encourage to visit the majestic 13th Century church nearby and wander around the beautiful gardens.
Gainsborough’s House
For those planning visits, we encourage the inclusion of Gainsborough’s House in nearby Sudbury, as it helps complete a full day of historic interest.

Please contact us for more information on booking a house tour at Belchamp Hall
“It’s a wonderfully quiet and peaceful place, rich with history, perfect hosts and Lovejoy deep.”